The workers page lists all configured workers and allows you to perform a number of actions or add new workers. For a list of all available actions, see Actions below.

The list of workers display the worker status, one of:

  • ACTIVE: An Active worker has not reported any issues with its configuration or the configuration or state of its crypto token.
  • OFFLINE: An offline worker has issues with its configuration of any of its dependencies. For example, its crypto token may not be active.
  • DISABLED: A worker disabled in its configuration will not handle any requests until it is enabled again.
  • (blank): If the global property "DISABLE_WORKERS_PAGE_STATUS_CHECK" is set to true then the status checks on all workers will be skipped on the Workers page and that will result in every single worker status being blank.

Click a worker in the list to open the Worker Page for the worker, displaying information about its state and configuration.


You can add new workers and perform the following actions on one or multiple workers:




Opens the activation page for the selected workers.


Opens the deactivation page for the selected workers.


Opens the enable page for the selected workers.


Opens the disable page for the selected workers.

Renew Key

Opens the key generation page for the selected workers.

Test Key

Opens the test key page for the selected workers.

Generate CSR

Opens the certificate signing request page for the selected workers.

Install Certificates

Opens the certificate installation page for the selected workers.

Renew Signer

Opens the automatic renewal page for the selected workers.


Opens the removal page the selected workers.

Reload from Database

Opens the reload from database page for the selected workers (or for all workers in case none are selected).


Opens the export page for the selected workers (or to export global configuration in case none are selected).


Opens the page for adding a worker or loading worker configurations from file or from a template.